We are an Indian company dealing in Laboratory products such as Lab plasticware, Lab glassware, lab furniture & Fume Hood.
We are interested to import lab plasticware from China and Taiwan. Please find list given below for the items that we require.
Petri Dish(Polypropylene and Polystrene),Tissue Culture Petri Dishes, Micro Tips, Micro Tip Box, MicroCentrifuge Tubes, Rack for Microcentrifuge tubes, Micro tube Box, Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom, Centrifuge Tube Round Bottom, Oak Ridge Centrifuge Tube, Centrifuge Tube Box, Cryo Vials (Sterile), Cryo Coders, Cryo vials (Internal Thread), Cryo Rack, Cryo Box, Scintillation Vials, Rack for Scintillation vial, Ria Vial, Ria Vial with Screw Cap, Storage Vial, Tissue Culture Flask, Tissue culture Plates, pasteur pipette, serological pipette, Soft loops, L-Spader, Stool and Urine container, Samples container,.
Interested manufacturer and Exporter from China and Taiwan are requested to contact us. |