First of all, we would like to introduce our company as one of the leading floor covering manufactures, for more than 35 years. We are the exclusive industrial floor covers manufacturer in Iran. We produce various kinds of sporting, hospitality (protection against X-ray) wall panels, floor covers, different curtain rails from PVC , shoe soles, etc.
At present we are in need of the following items: -anti astatic oil for soft PVC - pigments for PVC floor and wall covers -UV ink (or colrsless print ink) for floor and wall covers -screw and barrel for PVC combinations
In case you can manufacture the a/m product please inform us your best price or know any other manufacturer in these fields please let us have their contact details and make us really thankful. By the way we are going to be your agent in Iran, please inform us whether you have any agency in Iran and what are your conditions. For further information about us visit our website Your soon reply would be appreciated.