Purpose(medical effect) 1. Allergy patient- by statistics list for patient who have allergic symptoms.. about 1/3 in the world. 2. Asthmatic patient- especially children have asthmatic symptoms(skin disease). 3. Children asthomatic patient- The times for temporary derangment of asthomatic patient is same as acarid amounts. Distinctiveness 1. You can use it forever without any changing(filter) . - Wash cleaning - 2. You can take it off your vacuum cleaner easily and also take it with your vacuum cleaner. 3. 99.7% acarids elimination after test from FITI testing & research institute (Ref. Attached file, test results) 4. Inhale dusts, acarids & remains from fabric(bed clothes) and remove them completely…99.7% 5. Korea Inventive Institute - Awarding.