您现在的位置: 三门峡金腾耐火材料有限公司 > 供应信息> 硅酸铝纤维折叠块 |
硅酸铝纤维折叠块产品简介: Brief 硅酸铝纤维折叠块是选用优质硅酸铝耐火纤维毯折叠、压缩而成的多种形状与不同结构的模块,分无预制锚固件和预制锚固件两种。 Silicate Aluminum (ceramic) refractory fiber modules are made from Silicate Alu-minum refractory fiber blanket, edge-stacked or folded,with various anchors and other accessories. Generally we call it. 硅酸铝纤维折叠块产品品种: The type of the products 普通、标准、高纯、高铝、含锆型硅酸铝(陶瓷)耐火纤维针刺毯折叠模块。 Common(TD),standard(STD),high-purity(UP),High-Aluminum(HA),Zirconium-contained(ZA) refractory fiber modules. 硅酸铝纤维折叠块产品特性: Advantage 由于耐火纤维针刺毯预压缩后,回弹性较好,有效弥补了耐火纤维的受热收缩,保温效果显著,锚固可靠,提高了抗热震性能和抗机械震动性能,施工方便,提高了生产效率。 Because of in a state of being compressed, the modules will expand rapidly for its resilience,which efficiently counteracts the heat shrinkage of fibers and increase the insulation performance of linings, and also it has a excellent thermal insulating effect, and increases the high temperature stabil-ity and high resistance to thermal shock.Being easy to process and install can also increase the production efficiency. 应用范围: Application range 硅酸铝纤维折叠块石油化工工业的各种全纤维炉子; Lining for various furnaces of pe-troleum chemical industry. 电力工业锅炉和冶金建材工业各种电加热炉全纤维炉衬; Lining for boils of power industry and various electric heating furnaces of metallurgical industry. 各种陶瓷窑、隧道窑炉衬; Lining for funnel kilns of building materials and ceramic industries. 硅酸铝纤维折叠块各种热工设备的保温衬里。 Various thermal insulating materials. 本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_5727072/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_5727072.html 产品名称:硅酸铝纤维折叠块 |