您现在的位置: 上海中尚滤材有限公司 > 供应信息> F5袋式过滤器 F5 Poket Filter |
F5袋式过滤器 F5 Poket Filter 详细说明 |
用途 Application: 适用于空调应用领域,如商业建筑、医院、电子、计算机、通讯、光学、精密机械、制药等行 业的车间净化; 可作为喷漆等行业前道过滤; 多用于舒适性空调末端过滤。 • F5 pocket filter is for fine filtration in air handling systems and units of any kind as in commercial buildings, hospitals, computer and telephone centers, optical, fine mechanical, electronic and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants • As pre-filters for the painting industry and electronic industry • Mostly used as the final filter for the ventilation systems for office clean air supply
特性 The media characteristic features : 滤料采用优质合成纤维与微纤维构成;呈递增结构,故过滤效果佳; 无生物活性的滤袋确保微生物无法滋生; 耐温达80℃; 耐湿度强,可达到100%相对湿度的耐湿性; 符合防火分类标准欧洲DIN53438-F1及美国UL900-class2; 采用无缝焊接技术,确保了运行的高度可靠性; 独特焊接袋内支撑设计,确保最佳过滤效果; 容尘量大,效率高,压损低; 多袋焊接袋数供选择,以满足不同风量需求。
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_5388780/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_5388780.html 产品名称:F5袋式过滤器 F5 Poket Filter |