您现在的位置: 深圳市东鑫液压自动化机械设备有限公司 > 供应信息> 平价气动冲床|气动冲床|气动冲床 |
规格型号 出力 冲程(mm) 气缸内径 冲程调整 空气消耗 配管口径 最大工作量高度 重量kg 模柄 CH101-100 100kg 50 Φ50 30mm 1.2L 1/4 250 20 Φ16 CH101-150 150kg 100 Φ63 50mm 2L 3/8 250 20.3 Φ16 CH101-300 300kg 100 Φ80 50mm 6L 3/8 300 53 Φ20 CH101-500 500kg 100 Φ100 50mm 10L 1/2 300 58 Φ20 CH101-800 800kg 100 Φ125 50mm 12L 1/2 300 90 Φ25 CH101-1200 1200kg 100 Φ160 50mm 23L 1/2 300 103 Φ30 CH101-2200 2200kg 100 Φ200 50mm 30L 3/4 300 165 Φ30
规格型号 A B C D E F G H I J CH101-100 400 700 155 200 270 105 100 130 155 130 CH101-150 400 700 155 200 270 105 100 130 155 130 CH101-300 500 900 200 300 370 142 125 170 200 170 CH101-500 500 900 200 300 370 142 125 170 200 170 CH101-800 500 980 210 270 400 160 130 195 230 195 CH101-1200 500 980 250 270 455 180 150 215 250 215 CH101-2200 500 1050 300 270 600 215 175 275 355 275
气 动 冲 床
设计特点d;l;l;sdl f;f;sld0
上.下模采用压铸件,不易变形,结构 简单.性能好.气缸配有防转导杆,空间
Features of Designd;l;l;sdl ld
On The stamping die uses presses the casting, is not easy to distort,
the structure is simple The performance
is good The air cylinder has guards .
This radio station speed pressure travel may wilfully adjust
Operates simply is convenient, when both handsoperation pressure
meter counts the function, does not
have the noise. simply is convenient,
when both hands operation pressure
meter counts the function
Mini is dexterous does not occupy the space, suits the small model
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_4700393/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_4700393.html 产品名称:平价气动冲床|气动冲床|气动冲床 |