您现在的位置: 科建高分子材料(上海)股份有限公司 > 供应信息> TOP BEST-666丁基密封胶 |
一、产品概述: TOP BEST-666丁基密封胶是一款单组份中性密封胶,对于界面形变适应性强,具备优异的耐候性、低温柔韧性,对热胀冷缩产生的移位有极佳的追随性,终生不固化,对钢板没有任何腐蚀,且对咬口、开孔、搭接等部位起到密封保护作用。 Description: TOP BEST-666 is a neutral sealant with excellent properties of weather resistance and flexibility under high and low temperature circumstance, wide range stretch of deformation and crack. Non-solidified,neutral sealant without any corrosion for steel plate. It provides protections for crack, seam and bridging.
二、适用范围: 钢结构屋面体系中直立式屋面锁缝板咬合部位,屋面各式收边、钢板搭接处、屋面风机、管道开孔等部位。310ml胶管装请参照硅胶打法使用,5加伦、55加伦铁桶装须用专用打胶机在彩钢板生产线中涂胶,随现场温度的不同,可通过调节胶泵气压控制出胶量。 Application Area: Applies to all kinds of seams, holes and cracks in steel roofs, pipes,or other parts.For applying 310ml plastic tube sealant similar as the usage of silicon sealant.Professional sealant machine should be used when applying 5 & 55 gallons sealant. Control of the glue by adjusting the rubber pump with the difference of the temperature. 本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_468231905/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_468231905.html 产品名称:TOP BEST-666丁基密封胶 |