您现在的位置: 厦门鑫灏祥铝制品有限公司 > 供应信息> inboom aluminium industry co.,ltd. www.lviba.com |
inboom aluminium industry co.,ltd. www.lviba.com 详细说明 |
Xiamen Inboom Aluminum Industry trading here, exporting aluminum alloy products with good quality, such as aluminum alloy fence, railing, garage door, gate, window & security door. We can take care of all your needs. Contact me today for a quote, so we can get started on your next project. Steve Gong Market Dep. Inboom Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd. Xia men, China. Tel: (0086)-592-5560786 Fax: (0086)-592-5561786 Mail/MSN: xhx099@126.com http://:www.lviba.com 本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_3800713/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_3800713.html 产品名称:inboom aluminium industry co.,ltd. www.lviba.com |