您现在的位置: 北京正北变频电机有限公司 > 供应信息> 北京YFB系列粉尘防爆型三相异步电动机 |
是YB2系列隔爆型电机电话:13801009856的派生产品,广泛适用于粉尘环境,如粮食加工机械、粉碎机械等场所。 YFB series motors have the feature to prevent the entry of the dust by limiting the highest temperature and the IP65 or IP55 protection of the enclosure . Specifically engineered for use on food processing, textile mill, chemical plant and other applications where hazerdous fumes or dust may be present.
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_3311383/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_3311383.html 产品名称:北京YFB系列粉尘防爆型三相异步电动机 |