您现在的位置: 江阴市华东喷雾包装有限公司 > 供应信息> 我公司专业生产铝罐 |
公司拥有全自动的注塑机、吹塑机及铝罐印刷制罐生产线, 模具车间为客户特殊产品可定制相应模具,公司年生产喷雾包装超过五千万只。我们的客户遍及国内30个省市,产品远销世界各地。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating products mainly in Al or plsatrl-spray-package,Jangyin HuaDong Spraying pacdage Co.,LTD.Gives her service to medicine,hygiene cosmetic,food and many trades.
In our shop,you can have molds and its prouducts made tO order.With excellent automatic line (which is) composed of injectlon machine,mould blower,aluminum pot lithoprint.We produce products more than 50,000,000 every year.Our friends can be found all over the world,induding 30 provices of china.
We hope more and more business got in touch with us,more and more enter,prises use our products,through our superior service.
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_3067488/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_3067488.html 产品名称:我公司专业生产铝罐 |