您现在的位置: 广州诺创自动化控制设备有限公司 > 供应信息> 电机总成综合特性检查机 |
性能特点:Specification 1、 按照日本EPS电机检测标准在线检测电机总成的空载性能、负载性能、绝缘、耐压等8个项目; According the test standard of Japan EPS motor assembly to carry on the on-line test of the motor assembly for 8 characteristics, including no-load characteristic,load characteristic,insulation, Withstanding Voltage and so on 2、 快速自动装夹、快速检测、自动记录; Rapid auto clamping, testing and recording 3、 提供每台电机性能参数,以曲线、报表形式保存,并可追溯; Provide parameters of the characteristics of each motor, save as the curve and report format and can be traceable. 4、 自主开发测试软件,测试界面,数据重复精度高; Self-develop the test software and the test interface, high precision of repetitive data. 设备用途:主要适用于检测EPS电机综合特性,也可为AC/DC电机的性能检测。 Machine application: mainly for the general test of EPS motor assembly, also for the performance test of AC/DC motor
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_10574276/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_10574276.html 产品名称:电机总成综合特性检查机 |