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RRDD除湿干燥机系列 当前被塑料加工业所广泛使用,而吸湿性极强的Nylon、PC、PET等工程塑料已被证明由于其受气候等条件影响甚巨,无法采用传统式热风干燥系统来有效的降低其含湿率。 这些吸湿性极强的工程塑料必须于成型前,采用稳定性高的低露点干燥风(至少-32℃)搭配适当的干燥温度才能保证其最终含湿率降到0.02%以下,一但些条件达成,该类塑料成型品便能展现其最佳物理性质及表面光度。有效率的除湿干燥机,由于其密闭循环系统加上可以低到-50℃以下的低露点干燥风能促使塑料快速释放水份至干燥风,更可以帮助成型业者避免出现缩水、银纹或凹痕等困扰。 Currently widely used plastics processing industry, and strong hygroscopicity Nylon, PC, PET and other plastics have been shown to heavily affected by climate and other conditions, can’t using the traditional hopper driers to effectively reduce their moisture percentage. It have to be completely dried before molding, using high stability, low dew point dry air (at least -32 ℃) can take away the humidity in the material and reduce the humidity to 0.02%. Once the conditions reached, such plastic will show the best physical properties and brightness surface. Efficient dehumidifiers dryer, provides a closed recycling system to -50 ℃ or even below the low dew point dehumidify the air and then to dehumidify the plastic material, sure can help shape the industry to avoid shrinkage, crazing or concave marks and other problems.
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/sjshow_10321926/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/trade_10321926.html 产品名称:RRDD除湿干燥机系列 |