I am interested in Western style 100% silk bag from China. The quality of of the items, as well as the pricing and labels is very important to me. The label must contain three things: '100% silk' , 'Made in xxx', and a company name. This means that the label must be made special. I have attached some examples of the types of items am seeking. These are just examples to give you an idea of the types of items I am seeking, they do not have to be exactly the same. Initially, I would like to find out if you can offer these items, and the cost as well;of course cost is very important. If you can offer these items at a good price, I would like to know some of the details of how the items are made; the type of silk used, whether it is made by hand or in a factory, how long it takes to make it, how many colors of thread does it contain, what types of thread are used for the buttons, etc. what types of buttons (bone, plastic, metal), approximate threadcount, is this an existing item, or will it be new, what colors and sizes are available, how much does it weigh, etc. If all else is well, I would like see pictures of examples, and order some samples; probably one of each item, in each color, all one size. This means that if there are 13 different items, and 5 colors of each,the order would be for 13x5=65 items. Thank you very much for your assistance. |