时间地点 2013年7月10日-13日 上海新国际博览中心(龙阳路2345号)
批准单位 上海市商务委员会
展品范围 1. 数字喷墨印刷技术设备及材料 a) 平板数字喷墨印刷设备及材料 b) 平板印刷机介质及配件 c) 数字溶剂型喷绘设备、写真设备 d) 各类数字喷墨印刷耗材及组件 2. 打印机及耗材 a) 打印机系列:针式打印机、激光打印机等 b) 打印耗材:墨盒、硒鼓、色带、碳粉、墨水等 3. 数字标牌 a) 广告机、LCD显示屏、LED显示系统、3D裸眼显示、多屏幕显示、虚拟成像等 b) 多媒体信息发布系统、交互式触控系统、触控一体机、触控面板等 4. 亚克力板材及成品 a) 亚克力板材、亚克力成品、工艺品亚克力原料等 5. 标识、标牌设备及标识标牌 a) 激光雕刻机、CNC雕刻机 b) 亚克力产品及材料 c) 标识、标牌 6. 展览展示、POP及商用设施 a) 展览展示器材 b) 商业空间设计及装饰材料 c) 货架及商品展示柜 d) 商业自动化技术设备 e) 销售推广及促销器材 7. LED产品 a) LED显示屏 b) LED设备、LED广告光源及应用产品
One of the biggest trade exhibition for the Ad and Sign industry in China and world-wide, the Shanghai International Advertising & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition will provide a major business platform for all the leading global ad & sign companies across the world. Exhibiting cutting-edge technology and equipments in the presence of thousands of visitors from the China and overseas, the Shanghai International Advertising & Sign Technology Exhibition 2012 is an imperative trade event for the related industry. It will emerge out to be a highly lucrative event for the concerned sector and will also prove beneficial for developing fruitful business tie-ups between buyers and sellers of the market.
Welcome to visit!
本展会信息网址:http://www.vooec.com/exhibition/92655.html 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/exhibition_92655.html |