您现在的位置: 上海隆进特殊钢有限公司 > 产品展厅 >
2015/11/10 16:12:00 |
电 话: |
86-021-37787882 |
传 真: |
86-021-37787880 |
手 机: |
13166006568 |
邮 编: |
201601 |
地 址: |
松江区泗泾镇泗砖路钢材城 |
网 址: |
http://tangsuyun.cn.vooec.com |
公司名称:上海隆进特殊钢有限公司 |
联 系 人:陈婕 女士 销售部 |
供应进口石墨(德国西格里石墨、日本东洋石墨、日本东海石墨、日本揖斐电极石墨、美国步高石墨、美国精帝石墨、法国罗兰石墨及各种国产石墨。 供货实力:等静压石墨、模压石墨、挤压石墨、高强石墨、高纯石墨、耐磨石墨、硬质石墨、电极石墨、铜石墨、金属质石墨. 公司提供:石墨标准件坯料批发、零售、也可为客户提供加工石墨。 "Shanghai company provide graphite? Shanghai long into the supply of graphite board", "what graphite is cheap?" "Long into sell graphite cheaper", and "graphite machining, CNC machining graphite pieces cost?" , "Shanghai graphite processing centers, nc and CNC machining graphite graphite what, isostatic pressing graphite extrusion, molded graphite, graphite and high-strength graphite, high purity graphite, wear-resisting copper graphite, hard graphite, graphite electrode, graphite, metal graphite is the price", "mechanical properties of graphite is what? ", "what is the price of graphite in Shanghai? "" Shanghai sell graphite wholesale market" here,. Long into the factory processing graphite pieces, based on the business busy: Shanghai logistics delivery of goods, can cod, a large number of source distribution of the company. 上海一级graphite代理商 甬台温高速、宁波绕城高速、沈海高速行驶95.2公里、进入跨海大桥北接线行驶22.3公里、沪杭高速行驶60.4公里、进入上海市松江区【上海隆进特殊钢有限公司】
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/cpshow_29206671/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/product_29206671.html 产品名称:石墨加工G348石墨板#数控加工石墨 |