HK-1石墨#碳素石墨Carbon高强石墨 Graphite performance: Good electrical conductivity High thermal shock resistance Good chemical stability Under the high temperature strength increased Self lubrication Good processability HK - 1 graphite weight (g/cm3) : 1.85 Than the resistivity (mu Ω cm) : 11.0 Flexural strength (MPa) : 50 Hardness (shore) : 58 The average particle size (microns) 11 Suitable for: large mould. 东海EDM石墨材料HK-1用途:最适合用在粗加工的塑料模具、精加工的锻造金属模具。 标准尺寸:311*622*1245mm 上海隆进公司[代理销售]标准件石墨块,批发、零售、也可为客户提供零切割石墨片/石墨板,加工电极石墨棒、坩埚、加热器等 我公司在冶金矿产行业中实力雄厚,希望能与您长期合作。