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2015/1/14 8:57:00 |
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86-021-37787882 |
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86-021-37787880 |
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201601 |
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公司名称:上海隆进特殊钢有限公司 |
联 系 人:陈婕 女士 销售部 |
无磁钢#有没磁性30Mn20Al3无磁钢圆钢 详细说明 |
无磁钢#有没磁性30Mn20Al3无磁钢圆钢 30 mn20al3 no magnets in detail description: 30 mn20al3 without magnetic steel has been in the national transformer, electric furnace manufacturing industry have a very wide range of applications. Transformer industry dedicated to core rod, clip pieces, fuel tank wall, such as flange requirements without magnetic components. Electric industry is mainly used in electric furnace smelting, mining and metallurgy furnace, calcium carbide furnace, nickel iron smelting furnace and smelting ferrosilicon smelting furnace, electrolytic manganese equipment manufacturing. Effectively improve the equipment performance, reduces the manufacturing cost, make the product with stronger competitiveness. No magnetic steel has been widely used in many electrical products. 30Mn20Al3无磁钢已在全国变压器、电炉制造行业得到非常广泛的应用。变压器行业专用于铁芯拉杆、夹件、油箱壁、法兰等要求无磁的部件。电炉行业主要用于电炉、矿冶炉、电石冶炼炉、镍铁冶炼炉、硅铁冶炼炉、电解锰冶炼等设备制造。有效地提高了设备性能,降低了制造成本,使产品具有更强的竞争力。 无磁钢现已广泛使用于许多电气产品中。 大中型变压器油箱内磁屏蔽、铁芯拉板、线圈夹件、螺栓等漏磁场的结构件; 大中型发电机定子线圈绑环、护环、齿压件等结构件; 大电压、大电流输送线路的高压套管零部件及邻近钢结构架;特殊冶炼电炉内衬、炉盖、电极夹板及电子搅拌装置结构件;磁选设备筒体、选箱以及除铁器、起重电磁铁,航海罗盘及电工仪器仪表等行业。
本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/cpshow_22693805/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/product_22693805.html 产品名称:无磁钢#有没磁性30Mn20Al3无磁钢圆钢 |