您现在的位置: 盐城市盐都区鸿达机械厂 > 产品展厅 >
2025/2/15 11:11:00 |
电 话: |
86-0515-88802984 |
传 真: |
86-- |
手 机: |
13851040658 |
邮 编: |
224000 |
地 址: |
江苏省盐城市盐都区大冈镇友谊路39号 |
网 址: |
http://hd13851040658.cn.vooec.com |
公司名称:盐城市盐都区鸿达机械厂 |
联 系 人:荣舜 先生 |
用途与特点: 本机适用于防寒鞋、休闲鞋、登山鞋、劳保鞋和(低、中、高帮)靴等生产。其作用是鞋模倒置将鞋底的压合、硫化、成型结合为一体的一次成型制鞋设备;采用机械连杆机构,达到了硫化成型过程中锁模的作用;而且鞋模倒置也提高了制鞋过程中鞋面的清洁度。
Uses and features: The machine is suitable for the production of cold-proof shoes, casual shoes, military shoes, climbing shoes, safety shoes and shoes (with low, medium and high footwear uppers) and so on. It is one-step molding shoes making equipment used to combine Pressing, vulcanizing, molding of shoe soles by inverting the shoe molds. And it uses mechanical linkage to achieve the function of locking mold in vulcanization shaping process. Inverting shoe molds also improves cleanliness of vamps in the making process.
模口张开宽度 Width of mold gate 130mm 底模上升高度 Lifting height of bottom mold 90mm 油泵电机功率 Motor power of oil pump 3kw 电热功率 Electric power 9kw 系统压力 System pressure 5.5Mpa 温度范围 Temperature range 0℃--260℃ 电源电压 Supply voltage 380v50HZ 外形尺寸 Boundary dimension 1466×1165×1906mm 机器净重 Machine net weight 1800kg 本产品网址:http://www.vooec.com/cpshow_224486823/ 手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/product_224486823.html 产品名称:XJ-350倒置式橡胶鞋模压成型机 |